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  • Writer's picturedonnafrasca

The “Upside Down” - A Channel From My Higher Self

Channeled messages, or downloads, whatever you prefer to call them, come to us when we need to hear them the most. They are messages and reassurance of a verbal or visual form of guidance that will help us move through the issues in life that are heavy on our minds and in our hearts.

I’d like to share with you, the way I received this channeled message about “The Upside Down.”

Moments before a download, I get a floaty feeling which makes me aware of my thoughts and what I’m doing at that moment. Usually, I stop what I’m doing and pay attention to how I feel and what is going on around me.

I am given clues in the form of rapid physical “awarenesses,” such as catching a glimpse of something on TV, hearing lyrics in a song, detecting a scent, or sensing that a message is about to be received. Essentially, my senses are fully heightened.

Then, in my Third Eye vision, I see a paper and pen, which is my final hint that I’m about to receive a download. I grab my paper and am ready to take notes.

And it begins.

This all took place on August 8, 2024, the day of the Lion’s Gate of all days. How powerful is that? The funny thing is, I had no idea it was the Lion’s Gate; to me, it was just another day. This is a perfect example of how powerful a day can be, Lion’s Gate or other, when the alignments are just right.

I went outside to sit in the sun. The sun also amplifies my channels. The warmth on my face and all the colors and sparkles I see when my eyes are closed transcend me to my place to connect.

First, I saw the Okay sign. Whenever I see or receive any information in a channel, I always ask questions.

Donna: Why are you showing me the Okay sign? Does that mean everything will be ok?

Higher Self: (and yes, our channeled information comes from our Higher Self — not God, not our Angels, not our Guides. Why? Because we ARE God, Angels and our Guides, it’s the same energy.)

Higher Self: It is not just the ok sign.

Then I saw this:

Donna: An upside down okay sign?

Higher Self: Well, yes. It’s a symbol.

Donna: Please explain.

Higher Self: Simply put, this is a common sign when viewed upright, and it means what we understand it to be. Turn it upside down and it has a new meaning. To view something “upside down” is to see it in a different way other than how we normally perceive things. Here, we are talking about looking at life and its obstacles from another ascpect other than the first impressions. When we view our first impressions only, this is where our life conflicts come in.

It is important to look at a situation in life from many perspectives. Consider all angles other than the obvious response or first look.

For example, when you look at grass, you see it from the same point of view, either from sitting or standing. But when you lie on the ground, on the same level as the grass, suddenly it takes on a very different view.

When we look at all the possibilities of a situation, such as the “Upside Down”, then we see all the choices we have to react to, live by, and most importantly, to choose the one that best suits our highest good.

This is such a game changer for me. I now look at things from the “Upside Down” or from various points of views and understandings.

The life events that weigh heavily on my mind are revisited through this process, greatly aiding me in healing and gaining insight into why people express themselves or behave in certain ways. It gives me options on how to act, or how to react so I can release some of my unnerving memories and experiences that I’ve been holding onto for so many years. I hope it helps you too!


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