If This Was My Last Day
If this was my last day on earth, did I have fun?
Did I do what I wanted to do?
Did I laugh?
Did I talk to the people who are closest to my heart?
Did I get to walk barefoot in my garden?
Did I enjoy the bird sounds?
Did I call the older people in my life to see if they are OK and to say hi?
Did I talk to friends that I've heard from for a while?
Did I eat from my best China today?
Did I wear my finest jewelry today?
Did I listen to music that I enjoyed?
Did it take time to rest and pause?
Did I enjoy a car ride in my beautiful car?
Did I sit down and enjoy the comfort of my cats?
Did I take a few deep breaths when anxiety was high?
For one day, did I not care what people thought of me?
Did I? I did!
Dear Donna, Your list made me pause and really think. Thank-you. Always, Jean❤️