I’m Done With The Unicorns and Lollipops Of The Spiritual World
To start off, I'm sure you're asking what "garage spirituality" is. Quite honestly, I've never heard of it either, but it's the perfect name for a group of "enlightened people" that I'm trying to describe.
Yes, this post is going to upset a lot of people, but I'd rather raise awareness about this than worry about what people think.
I belong to a writing platform called Medium, and it has nothing to do with mediumship. It's just a fun place to write; most people do it for the money, but I don't. It's also a great place to read.
The problem that I'm seeing over and over again is the garbage that these "spiritual people" are writing, and worse yet, the people who follow them are falling for their words hook, line, and sinker.
Today I came across an article from someone who says she has the power to heal bad entities and lead them to the realm they need to go to. How's that for ego? Not only is that nonsense, because no one has that power, it just doesn't exist.
Maybe she meant that she diffused a lower vibrational feeling she had and, through thought and meditation, she felt better. But really, healing the boogeyman?
That, and more, is what led me to write this post.
It's extremely frustrating for me to read these nonsense articles of people opening portals, healing demons, and even going as far as getting "channels" from their guides to tell them who is going to win the election - and very biased, mind you. Since when do our spirit guides even care about that stuff? They don't.
Also, with the experiences I've had of Astral Projection, Bilocation, and Dream Walking, it's on a level that I can't even share with anyone because I have not met anyone who shared the same experiences with me. Yes, there are some people that I've read on the MEDIUM platform that had similar experiences, which was nice, but they are far and few between.
So there are these garage newbies who invent nonsense that resides in their ego and convince other people that it's legit, and then there are people who actually have had some really cool experiences but it's rare to find them.
What to do? I will go through my follow list on MEDIUM and only keep the legit people who have these cool experiences and are down to earth about it, and ditch the rest of the newbies who still have much work to do.
There is a long learning curve when it comes to the spiritual realm, and I have lived through and experienced a lot of it. As time goes on, I will continue to write about mine, but the sharing candle is slowly burning out.
My spirit team told me that most of my experiences are not for other people to read or understand, now I know why. It's all good, especially when we get these ah-ha moments.