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  • Writer's picturedonnafrasca

Celebrate Winter Solstice by Strengthening Your Mediumship

Happy Winter Solstice!

I learned how mediumship works for me, and it's straightforward. You need to put in the time to develop your abilities, but you can start with an expeditious outline of the nuts and bolts of mediumship to get you started confidently.


I'm offering a two-hour ZOOM class covering everything you need to know to set your mediumship in motion. How do I know this works? I followed these simple steps when I started training and had excellent results. Looking back at my notes, I wondered, “Why did my teachers NOT tell me it was this simple?" I still orchestrate my mediumship with what I teach in this class.


Keep in mind that mediumship is not a unique ability that only comes with those who study it for years. It is a natural connection to the spirit world that we all have, and now, I will offer it in a 2 hours class.


Here are a few things we'll be going over in this class:

â—¦ Which Clairs do we need?

â—¦ How do Chakras play a role in mediumship?

â—¦ Meditation tips and tricks

◦ Spirit Placement 

â—¦ Filters and learning how to trust what you get

â—¦ How to deliver the information to your client

â—¦ How to link to the spirit world

â—¦ How to speak to and with spirit


Once you purchase this class, I will contact you for a time to meet via ZOOM.

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