- Donna Frasca
How Can I Achieve My Goals Today?
What a great question, right? Did you ever wonder why you happen to think of a question on a particular day? Maybe it's something that goes on in your life, so it's front and center, or perhaps, spirit is asking you the very same thing
I recently bought Lenormand cards, and I can't tell you the close connection I have with them, I even see them in my dreams. I've learned not to question the motives of spirit because I know they have my best interest in mind, but in my dreams? I know I like these cards but to dream about them? It's ok, I trust.
So these questions pop into my mind that I know everyone thinks about as well. I pulled these beautiful cards, asked this question, and this is what transpired.
As I shuffled the cards with the question in mind, three cards were pulled. I say spirit because that is the energy behind readings. These cards say to focus as the MAGNIFYING GLASS is shown. Nothing can be achieved without knowing what has to be addressed and to be aware of what it is you want to achieve. When we put our concentration on one sector in life, our energy will go to that area.
Nothing can be achieved without knowing what has to be addressed and to be aware of what it is you want to achieve. When we put our concentration on one sector in life, our energy will go to that area.
In the LABYRINTH, know that you are not alone. There are other people who have the same goals and who may have similar intentions as you do. Even though at times we may feel we walk our paths alone, look ahead and behind you, there are people there too but just on different timelines. We all have our own Divine Timing so have faith that yes, you will reach your goal in time.
The last card is about messages. The RIDER. This card literally carries the message of messages. Yes, there are ups and downs in life but everything we experience is a lesson and holds a special message for us. Are things not going as we planned? Perhaps we are going about it the wrong way? Take a close look at what's not working and keep an eye and ear out for those messages you'll receive that will help you along your way. These messages can be small or so big that they are hidden in plain sight.
Overall, take it slow and steady. Allow yourself enough time to reach your goals and most of all, listen to yourself and to know when it will be best for you to reach your journey.