Mediumship Memos: When A Spirit Person Doesn't Know They Passed
* Deepening The Evidence: As I mentioned in an introductory post, I'll be sharing my experiences as I take a Mediumship class from Mentor Andy Byng. From here on, these posts will be started as “Mediumship Memos” and you'll know that it's referring to this class.
I had an interesting experience yesterday durning practice. A Spirit gentleman came in and boy did he have a sense of humor! He had me laughing and he was even messing with me a bit by ... and I know this sounds weird but ... by moving his energy from this realm to the spirit realm, he was hard to follow.
After a bit, his life started to unfold and a story was told. From a car that was important to him and his partner to how he loved the basic things in life. He continued on by saying how important it was to love life and not to sweat the small things because the next day, suddenly the things you fought over don't seem as big and it was so not worth it to fight over.
Midway through the reading I had chest trouble and couldn't breathe. I also felt a “halt”in the reading and could not go any further. I saw a pair of boots (I also need to add a post about that experience) which is an important symbol for me. I know many people don't use symbols but I have a whole book of them and know what this means.
Through the experiences I've had, seeing boots means that the Spirit person doesn't realize that they are passed. I tried to reconnect with the Spirit person during this reading but heard “why are we doing this? What do you mean I'm not alive?” Then the connection was ended and I was not able to reconnect.
This Spirit person passed just four years ago which is not a long time thus the passing from realm to realm in the beginning of the reading. What is years to us is moments if not seconds in time for Spirit. I later find out that he passed from a drowning which is why I couldn't breathe.
I saw a clear picture of this man and at the end of the practice. The sitter showed me a photo of him and it was him to the T.
My question, how do you address a Spirit Person when they don't know they are passed?
This is one of the questions I hope to find an answer to by the end of my course.