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  • Donna Frasca

Energy Notes for April 20: It Stings Like A Bee

#EnergyNotes🎶 - “fly like a butterfly sting like a bee" - what does this mean? The hands can't hit what the eyes can't see. No we are not fighting in the ring but we very well might as well be with emotions running so high now.

We are in Scorpio today along with the Waning Gibbous moon. Yesterday was peak for the full moon which here again, was a tough one for many.

It's a holiday weekend and the emotional charge is on high. Anxiety is front and center and may stay for a few days into next week. Mood swings are not your friend now Scorpio and many of us are feeling it as well. How do we deal with this until it passes? With water.

Today we are in the WATER element and it just happens to be a bit drizzly outside today for me which will help. For you, think, drink and be in water today. Get some alone time in before the family and guests arrive tomorrow. Indulge in a hot, salt bath and hydrate from the inside out. Hydrate your skin, condition your hair and sip away to your hearts content. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you tomorrow.

Angel Insights card designed by Donna Frasca and can be purchased in the shop here in the blog.

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