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  • Donna Frasca

How To Recharge Yourself In Less Than 5 Minutes

Who wants to do a full-body recharge right now? After a long day at work or the forever burning energy of a medium, we all could use an energy lift.

I found out the hard way that mediumship uses up a lot of energy, and if you're not careful, you'll find yourself completed depleted of energy because you gave too much away.

What does that mean? Ok, parents, you know the feeling of a VERY long day taking care of those babies, right? All-day every day it's them, them, them and them. Feed the kids, hold the kids, change the kids, clean the kids, love the kids, play with the kids, school the kids - you know what I mean, right? You also understand how you feel at the end of the day with all this giving. This is the same thing that happens to mediums when we do too many reading, reiki session, or psychic work, we get depleted. Thankfully, there is a very simple exercise that will instantly uplift you, and it starts with your breath.

Morning, or anytime you need an energy recharge, is a great time to meditate just for a few minutes. Don't have time to meditate? Fine, you do have time to breathe, right? Let's do this together!

  • Deep INHALE

  • Deep exhale

  • HOLD

  • Deep INHALE

  • Deep exhale

  • HOLD

  • Deep INHALE

  • Deep exhale

Feel the breath in your nose as it goes into your lungs. With those three deep inhales, you may feel a little light-headed, that's good, move that energy around.

Bring your focus IN.

What does your body feel like? Can you feel your heart beating? Are your ears ringing? Any tingling sensations in your body?

Starting with your toes, imagine a bright yellow-white ball of energy. This ball will go right up through your body, touching every organ, every vein, artery, bone, and muscle. As it does so, it energizes.

When the energy ball gets to the top of your head, it goes through and out your Crown Chakra and up to Source to get recharged.

Once recharged, it comes back down through your head and continues to travel down until it reaches your feet again.

Repeat as needed throughout the day.

This is just one way to recharge your body to start the day. Enjoy Angels!

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