
2 min

Would You Go Back In Time?

Time is a strange thing for sure. How often did you want to go back in time and change things? I know I did. We have to ask ourselves a question, “If we went back in time, would the outcome be any better than it has played out?" Let's talk about time.

Time is something you can't see but everyone wants more of. Time is something that is in the past, present and future yet it's nowhere to found when we need more of it. If I went back in time, these are some things I'd ponder.

  • I'd like to go back in time and take those words back or speak up more.

  • I'd like to go back in time and realize that I should have held onto that item that I thought was valuable.

  • I'd like to go back in time to tell that guy that no, you are not for me so deal with it.

  • I'd like to go back in time to give my grandparents one more hug because I'd never see them again.

  • I'd like to go back in time to hug my mom more the day her world changed.

  • I'd like to go back in time to stand up for myself and not take crap from my sibling.

  • I'd like to go back in time to hold my babies again knowing how much they needed more hugs.

  • I'd like to go back in time to change my words because what people hear is not what is meant.

  • I'd like to go back in time to help those who needed it but I thought my actions wouldn't matter enough.

  • I'd like to go back in time to be with my younger self and tell her NOT to change a thing because you grow up the way you should no matter what happens in your time - it's YOUR time and you manifest what your soul guides you to.

How about you? Would you go back in time?
