Donna Frasca

1 min

Video for Purchase: Can You Be In Two Places At The Same Time?

I'm excited to announce that I'll be offering videos for purchase on various subjects. I LOVE making videos and I know not everyone has ZOOM or the time to join a meeting so this is the easiest way to share information.

I will be creating videos 30 minutes or less (I have a short attention span and an hour is just too long) that you can purchase. Once you purchase via PayPal, I'll send you the link and you can review it at your leisure.

The first video I did is “Can You Be In Two Places At The Same Time?” By the way, the answer is YES and I tell you about two experiences that I've had and take you through it step by step.

If you are interested in this 17-minute video, you can purchase it here via PayPal and I'll send you the video link within 24 hours. Be sure to add an email address where I can send you the video link.

$35 to:

* please do not share links ;-)
